Etude de marché en anglais et sous forme de PowerPoint sur le marché de la brasure en France. Celle-ci permet de voir les principaux concurrents et secteurs potentiels présent en France.
[...] The company is present in 70 countries Thessco There are 6 categories of product, we decided to take of the company's T.O (origin: documents found out on internet, on the personal website company or brazing website) updated_doc\logo\logo.png Comparative statement 24/06/08 Brazing manufacturer companies Brazing reseller companies Total T.O ( in k €) Brazing T.O (in k €) Export ( in k €) Brazing T.O in France ( in k €) MBO Reboud Roche Thessco Protechno BrazeTec STTS Total T.O( in k €) Brazing T.O ( in k €) Export( in k €) Brazing T.O in France( in k €) Air liquide Welding Castolin Nevax Alliage industrie Métaconcept Protechno updated_doc\logo\logo.png 24/06/08 (Manufacturer) updated_doc\logo\logo.png 24/06/08 updated_doc\logo\logo.png summarization 24/06/08 Company Sales of Brazing ( in K € ) Market Share Castolin Protechno Alliage industrie Air liquide Welding( commercy-soudure) Métaconcept Thessco Reboud Roche MBO BrazeTec Other (STTS,Nevax) Total updated_doc\logo\logo.png 24/06/08 Graphic updated_doc\logo\logo.png Company Products category (name into the company) Name of products Applications Technical data Features and benefits Castolin Cd-containing Silver Brazing Alloys 1820,1820 F ,1820 XFC® Silver-containing brazing alloy for poorly adjusted parts. [...]
[...] Repair operations, general engineering, domestic applicances silver solidus 610°C liquidus 790°C Tensile strength 350-450 MPa Ease of use • Ideal for poorly adjusted parts • Wide gaps • Large melting range BrazeTec Cadmium containing (BrazeTec Cadmium Containing Brazing Alloys) BrazeTec 2002 The silver brazing alloys on this page can generally be used from -200°C to +150°C without any additional specifications. They can be used for any steel, copper and copper alloy, and nickel and nickel alloy. [...]
[...] Conduct a survey to find an adequacy between supply and demand. Base our prices on the leader's prices and products. [...]
[...] Commercial canvassing. [...]
[...] There is a risk of crevice-corrosion when brazing rust free stainless steel due to the cadmium and zinc content of this braze silver liquidus 750°C Tensile strength 24/06/08 updated_doc\logo\logo.png Air conditioning boiler making and tubing industry Automotive subcontracting Natural energy treatment (wind-driven, solar heating) Transport equipment: Component for Aviation and spatial industry (brazing of vacuum inoxidizable steel and special alloys) For automotive industry (heat exchanger ilk capacitor and evaporator) For rail train industry Heat pump , geothermal, industrial refrigeration Machinery and tools (cutting, sawing and shearing machine ) Music instrument (organ or sax ) Household appliance, Watch maker industry (paste brazing) and spectacle trade Bovine industry ( fabdelec company ) 24/06/08 updated_doc\logo\logo.png Number of business establishment : 1440 Manpower: Principal line of business: Automotive industry ( electronically material ( plastic industry , agribusiness mechanical equipment ( Companies present in this area : Heidinger-Ebel SARL, Lohner SA, PSA Peugeot Citroën , Métatherm SA Groupe Aalberts Industries 24/06/08 updated_doc\logo\logo.png Number of business establishment : 1281 Manpower: Principal line of business: Metal labour industry ( foundry ( beverage industry , automotive equipment mechanical equipment ( Companies present in this area : PSA Peugeot Citroën, Delphi Automotive, Valéo, Vallourec,Plastic Omnium, Isoroy, Boehringer Ingelheim et Zeneca pharma 24/06/08 updated_doc\logo\logo.pngImage 7.png 24/06/08 updated_doc\logo\logo.png Employ more salesmen to vend more potential customers than Castolin group Listening customer's advices and requests. For instance better fluxes in powder, cheaper and maybe find an easier way to use it. [...]
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