Cas pratique - le statut des dirigeants
Cas Pratique - 7 pages - Droit des affaires
M. Colin préside la SAS Publiservice. Ce dernier recrute M. Watson, publicitaire américain comme Directeur commercial. M. Colin nous demande de rédiger le contrat liant la Sté Publiservice à M. Watson en y incluant une rémunération et un mécanisme de promesse incitant M....
Le statut des dirigeants : cas pratique
Cas Pratique - 3 pages - Droit des affaires
Le président de la SA PUBLISERVICE, Albert Colin, souhaite recruter Paul Watson en tant que directeur général délégué. Quels sont les éléments pouvant l'inciter à rester le plus longtemps possible dans la société ? Comment limiter le risque d'engagement de la responsabilité...
L'engagement du consommateur envers les marques de distributeurs : un modèle relationnel
Mémoire - 81 pages - Marketing distribution
The distribution is the system which takes in charge all the operations by which a product that has been just made is given to the consumer or to the user. This field integrates three essential functions: a logistic function (delivery, storage), a transactional function...
Le statut des dirigeants
Étude de cas - 5 pages - Droit des affaires
Albert Colin est président d'une société par actions simplifiée (dont le régime tient aux dispositions des articles L227-1 et suivants du code de commerce) dont l'activité est une agence de publicité. Aux fins de revigorer l'activité de sa société notre président a recruté un jeune et...
Marketing case study, The LEGO Company
Étude de cas - 30 pages - Marketing produit
Our consulting firm would like to investigate the LEGO Group with its current market situation, the threats and opportunities to the Group, and indicate the key issues for becoming success. The primary objective of our marketing plan is to help the Group gaining more market shares as well...
Low fat yogurt Market
Étude de marché - 25 pages - Marketing produit
In recent years, consumer interest in health and nutrition has escalated and increased the demand for healthful food products in the marketplace. Aging baby-boom populations and a trend toward self-care in relation to chronic-disease prevention and management are fuelling this demand. In...
E loyalty through marketing tactics
Mémoire - 68 pages - Marketing technologies
After reviewing empirical studies about relationship marketing, we noted that customer loyalty is a recurrent topic. Nevertheless, we identified that there is less focus on relationship marketing and loyalty in an online environment. As it is recognized that acquiring new customers...
The Sarbanes Oxley Act and its consequences
Mémoire - 82 pages - Stratégie
Enron and WorldCom are just few examples of the accounting scandals of the last years, but they are emblematic. Firstly, everyone heard about those two firms and theirs scandals. All Medias specialized or not, talked about it, even books were written. Secondly, we have to note the blindness, or...
Small firms in international marketing: Bringing the franchise Sushi Shop to the UK market
Étude de marché - 8 pages - Marketing produit
Sushi Shop is a French-based sushi restaurant franchise and delivery service that provides its customers with the highest quality of sushi and other fine contemporary Japanese cuisine dishes. Established in 1998, this small firm now has 97 locations in Europe, 1 in New York City, and is...
The rescue plan of EUROTUNNEL
Étude de cas - 14 pages - Finance
Eurotunnel plc (in the UK) and Eurotunnel SA (in France) make up the Eurotunnel Group, founded in August 1986, which manages and operates the Channel Tunnel between the UK and France. It operates the car shuttle and earns revenue on other trains (freight by EWS and SNCF and passenger service by...
Critically assess Brandon's strategic thinking and the actions he employed in developing Virgin and implications for the future of the company
Étude de cas - 11 pages - Marketing produit
The highly diversified Virgin group has known an impressive progression since its creation in 1970. His founder, Richard Branson has come beyond boundaries of what has been done until now because he has introduced a new way of thinking strategy. As one will see in the first part,...
Corporate Finance, ACCOR
Analyse financière - 16 pages - Finance
1. Describe in what business Accor operates. Accor is one of the largest French multinational hotel chain corporations. This company which is part of the CAC 40 index, has its main business specialized in running hotels and restaurants and specialized services. Accor possess more than 4,000...
L'expansion de Clarins en Inde
Étude de cas - 18 pages - Bourse
Clarin's expansion in India (titre original) The Clarins Group has been created in 1954 by Jacques Courtins-Clarins. It is a Public Company with a Supervisory Board and a Board of Directors, with a capital stock around 325 millions of euros divided into 40 600 000...
L'expansion de L'Oréal en Chine
Étude de cas - 31 pages - Bourse
The expansion of L'Oreal in China (titre original) Since it was founded nearly a century ago by the chemist Eugène Schueller, L'Oreal has been focusing its research and expertise on one business: cosmetics. L'Oreal has consistently applied its policy of investing in research, ensuring...
Doing Business in Algeria : Managerial practices and Etiquettes
Étude de cas - 13 pages - Management organisation
Algeria is a developing country with much potential. This paper will cover many aspects of the country. It will discuss environmental factors, market characteristics, cultural characteristics, as well as their negotiation style. The perspective of a manager and how...
L'éthique du conséquentialisme et l'éthique de la vertu dans le domaine de l'industrie florale
Étude de cas - 19 pages - Stratégie
Consequentialism ethic and ethic of virtue relative to the flowers industry (titre original) First of all a consequentialist [doesn't define if an] act is right or wrong in itself because the rightness or wrongness of an act is determined by its outcome. Utilitarianism (the most...
Comment et pourquoi mettre en place des changements : l'exemple de Porsche
Étude de cas - 12 pages - Stratégie
Nowadays, it becomes more and more difficult to compete in this global business environment. Companies have to be radically innovative and to realise changes in the organisation in order to survive. Change is often considered as a necessity for companies to survive in a...
British Airways
Étude de cas - 8 pages - Stratégie
BA is one of the world's largest international airlines, providing travellers with a broad network to/from the UK and a global service for premium travellers in cooperation with one world alliance partners. The company expanded rapidly in the 1990s, which led to overcapacity,...
Ipod and the renewal of apple
Étude de cas - 23 pages - Stratégie
In 2001, Apple launched its revolutionary product: iPod, a small jewel of technology, which will give as a result a rise to a new market, that of the numerical walkman with hard disk. Forerunner in its field, Apple has always been an innovative firm. Its...
Marketing Plan: 'Caroll' wants to enter the growing 'middle market' in China
Étude de cas - 16 pages - Marketing mode
Through the network, the style's office of Caroll is in charge of getting the tendencies, of creating collections and of making live the spirit Caroll. It is always in the day before, the loan to react quickly and to conceive new products. As the actual fashion is unstable, Caroll decided...
Case study: RED, Inc on the American market
Étude de cas - 11 pages - Marketing sportif
Red is a Swedish producer of outdoor wear born in 1985 in Stockholm. Since then the company started considering exports as an important activity to develop. Today, the firm is considering penetrating the North American market. As an international marketing consultant team, we...
L'analyse stratégique de Vodafone
Étude de cas - 22 pages - Stratégie
Vodafone Group Plc provides a full range of mobile telecommunications services and is the world's largest mobile telecommunications company, in terms of the number of registered customers, with a significant presence in Europe, the United Kingdom, the United States and Asia...
Analyse stratégique de la marque de grande distribution Carrefour et son usage des outils d'e-commerce
Étude de cas - 5 pages - Digital & e-marketing
I'll first introduce you the Carrefour brand and the way they do business, its strategy to get more and more market shares, and finally I'll show you how the three different topics I picked up could bring them a competitive advantage over its competitors. The main activity of the group is...
Host Hotels & Resorts : financial and strategic analysis
Étude de marché - 16 pages - Finance
Host Hotels & Resorts (HST) is a real estate investment trust that exists since 1993 since the division of Marriott Corporation into management and property arms. HST is the first lodging real estate company. It owns 119 luxury and upper-upscale, full service hotels managed by strong...
Professional management skills: Boeing case
Étude de cas - 7 pages - Stratégie
This case is about the civil aerospace industry which have a duopolistic market in the 110 seat-plus, where the two actors are Boeing and Airbus. It is showing us that Boeing was always the leader on each market: 70.7% of the Asian market, 67.2% of the U.S. market, 56.9% of the Latin...
Caroll in China
Étude de cas - 14 pages - Bourse
Caroll has been created in 1963. The company is a subsidiary of the Vivarte Group since 1988. That French company operates in the ready-to-wear sector, and proposes a large range of products. Caroll's success comes from the quality of its products, as a consequence its...
Quels sont les défis de l'adoption des systèmes de planification des ressources d'entreprise ERP à la demande dans les PME ?
Mémoire - 12 pages - Tpe et pme
Les systèmes de planification des ressources de l'entreprise (ERP) sont considérés comme une innovation commerciale importante et leur mise en oeuvre devrait profiter aux entreprises de toutes tailles. Compte tenu de l'historique des échecs de mise en oeuvre des ERP et des coûts initiaux...
Analysis of the sport's industry and its strategies
Étude de cas - 8 pages - Stratégie
[...] Sponsoring is really important for big events as Olympic Games or rugby world cup. We can underline why some companies sponsor this kind of event? And what can they gain from this? First of all, there is the biggest sport event worldwide coming this summer. So it seems quite relevant...
Analyse financière : Quicksilver Inc. Rapport annuel 2005
Analyse financière - 19 pages - Finance
Analysing financial statements : QUICKSILVER Inc. Annual report 2005 (titre original) The company began its business in 1976 as a California company producing boardshorts for surfers in the United States under a licence agreement with the Quicksilver brand founders in...
L'actionnariat des salariés et la performance de l'entreprise - publié le 29/03/2012
Mémoire - 43 pages - Management organisation
[...] L'Intéressement a été créé par l'ordonnance du 7 janvier 1959 et modifié par l'ordonnance de 1986. « D'après la publication de la DARES en juin 2008, le montant total distribué en 2006 au titre de l'intéressement a été de 6,5 milliards d'euros pour 4,2...