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06 juil. 2015

Marketing case study, The LEGO Company

Étude de cas - 30 pages - Marketing produit

Our consulting firm would like to investigate the LEGO Group with its current market situation, the threats and opportunities to the Group, and indicate the key issues for becoming success. The primary objective of our marketing plan is to help the Group gaining more market shares as well as...

11 Sept. 2006

Low fat yogurt Market

Étude de marché - 25 pages - Marketing produit

In recent years, consumer interest in health and nutrition has escalated and increased the demand for healthful food products in the marketplace. Aging baby-boom populations and a trend toward self-care in relation to chronic-disease prevention and management are fuelling this demand. In the...

13 juin 2007

British Airways

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Stratégie

BA is one of the world's largest international airlines, providing travellers with a broad network to/from the UK and a global service for premium travellers in cooperation with one world alliance partners. The company expanded rapidly in the 1990s, which led to overcapacity, lower fares and...

31 déc. 2007

Marketing Plan: 'Caroll' wants to enter the growing 'middle market' in China

Étude de cas - 16 pages - Marketing mode

Through the network, the style's office of Caroll is in charge of getting the tendencies, of creating collections and of making live the spirit Caroll. It is always in the day before, the loan to react quickly and to conceive new products. As the actual fashion is unstable, Caroll decided to be...

04 Mars 2008

Business analysis of BIC corporation

Étude de cas - 22 pages - Marketing produit

Every day, BIC sells and manufactures more than 22 million stationery products around the world, 4 million of lighters and 11 million of shavers. It is one of the leaders for stationery products and the number one manufacturer of ballpoint pen. In 2005, BIC reached the incredible amount of one...

03 juil. 2015

Analysis of the sport's industry and its strategies

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Stratégie

[...] Sponsoring is really important for big events as Olympic Games or rugby world cup. We can underline why some companies sponsor this kind of event? And what can they gain from this? First of all, there is the biggest sport event worldwide coming this summer. So it seems quite relevant to...

13 Mars 2008

Professional management skills: Boeing case

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Stratégie

This case is about the civil aerospace industry which have a duopolistic market in the 110 seat-plus, where the two actors are Boeing and Airbus. It is showing us that Boeing was always the leader on each market: 70.7% of the Asian market, 67.2% of the U.S. market, 56.9% of the Latin America...

17 avril 2008

Caroll in China

Étude de cas - 14 pages - Bourse

Caroll has been created in 1963. The company is a subsidiary of the Vivarte Group since 1988. That French company operates in the ready-to-wear sector, and proposes a large range of products. Caroll's success comes from the quality of its products, as a consequence its know-how and its style....

02 juin 2015

Opel: Purchasing Service Department

Étude de cas - 36 pages - Achats

Opel has 2,000 to 4,000 references on stock and produces 40 % of its own spare parts, with specialised parts manufacturers making the other 60%. This is a market with very intensive competition. There is no seasonnality, lots of urgent situation, so Opel has to be very reactive The main objective...

19 Janv. 2008

Doing Business in Algeria : Managerial practices and Etiquettes

Étude de cas - 13 pages - Management organisation

Algeria is a developing country with much potential. This paper will cover many aspects of the country. It will discuss environmental factors, market characteristics, cultural characteristics, as well as their negotiation style. The perspective of a manager and how best to conduct business with...

30 avril 2008

La stratégie d'Aircraft

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Stratégie

Business dynamics: the aircraft strategy (titre original) The aircraft game was to understand the inter-relation between the different aspects of a business and the consequences of changing one of these business aspects on the entire model. The system dynamics is described by internal factors...

09 mai 2008

How NGOs are developing their management styles and marketing in order to achieve greater efficiency, whilst maintaining their core values?

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Management organisation

“Non-Governmental Organisations have long been regarded as welfare agencies working on the periphery of development. Since the 1980s, NGOs have emerged as a major development force in many developing countries” (Afful, 1992). According to Afful, NGO are no longer in the shadow of...

09 mai 2008

L'éthique du conséquentialisme et l'éthique de la vertu dans le domaine de l'industrie florale

Étude de cas - 19 pages - Stratégie

Consequentialism ethic and ethic of virtue relative to the flowers industry (titre original) First of all “a consequentialist [doesn't define if an] act is right or wrong in itself because the rightness or wrongness of an act is determined by its outcome. Utilitarianism (the most popular...

22 Sept. 2015

Presentation of a new product: the S-Dorlok

Étude de marché - 8 pages - Marketing produit

BIOMETRICS means life and measure: It's the verification and the identification of a human being with its unique and specified feature who can't be falsify. It's only who you are. For example we have, finger prints, iris recognition, face recognition and DNA (...)

21 juil. 2015

Small firms in international marketing: Bringing the franchise Sushi Shop to the UK market

Étude de marché - 8 pages - Marketing produit

Sushi Shop is a French-based sushi restaurant franchise and delivery service that provides its customers with the highest quality of sushi and other fine contemporary Japanese cuisine dishes. Established in 1998, this small firm now has 97 locations in Europe, 1 in New York City, and is...

31 déc. 2007

The rescue plan of EUROTUNNEL

Étude de cas - 14 pages - Finance

Eurotunnel plc (in the UK) and Eurotunnel SA (in France) make up the Eurotunnel Group, founded in August 1986, which manages and operates the Channel Tunnel between the UK and France. It operates the car shuttle and earns revenue on other trains (freight by EWS and SNCF and passenger service by...

02 avril 2012

La nouvelle implantation d'un restaurant: le «Wall Street»

Étude de cas - 12 pages - Management organisation

Pour la réalisation de ce dossier, nous avons réalisé un type de « braimstorming » avec les différents membres du groupe où chacun a pu apporter ses idées. Tout d'abord, nous avions décidé de travailler dans le domaine de la restauration. Notre situation d'étudiant a fait que nous nous sommes...

10 Janv. 2008

Case study: RED, Inc on the American market

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Marketing sportif

Red is a Swedish producer of outdoor wear born in 1985 in Stockholm. Since then the company started considering exports as an important activity to develop. Today, the firm is considering penetrating the North American market. As an international marketing consultant team, we are to analyse this...

05 févr. 2014

Analyse de la concurrence sur le marché de la lettre recommandée électronique

Étude de cas - 30 pages - Stratégie

Les offres sont présentées sur la home page : on peut voir que les offres sont très facile d'accès et réellement mises en avant. Cependant l'offre n'est pas complète puisqu'on ne retrouve pas les recommandés électroniques. En ce qui concerne l'ouverture du compte, elle ne peut se faire que si...

01 juin 2015

Analyse du site Internet du quotidien gratuit METRO

Étude de cas - 18 pages - Digital & e-marketing

Le concept du METRO est né en Suède il y a dix ans. L'idée de ses créateurs consistait à financer, uniquement par la publicité, un journal d'information générale destiné principalement aux passagers des transports en commun. Cette formule de quotidien gratuit a eu un succès tel qu'elle a été...

27 avril 2008

Analyse financière : Quicksilver Inc. Rapport annuel 2005

Analyse financière - 19 pages - Finance

Analysing financial statements : QUICKSILVER Inc. Annual report 2005 (titre original) The company began its business in 1976 as a California company producing boardshorts for surfers in the United States under a licence agreement with the Quicksilver brand founders in Australia. In the 80's the...

06 mai 2008

Exposé final : Management et direction - étude de cas : Starbucks

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Management organisation

Management and leadership final assignment Starbucks case study (titre original) • Leadership: Starbucks CEO, Orin Smith, and the Board of directors play a central role in the organizational context of the company since they can arbitrate between the internal and external constraints and...

03 août 2010

Risks assessment in automobile industry - Renault entry in the US market

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Marketing automobile

The Renault Corporation was founded in 1899 and quickly became famous in motor racing. The Renault factories adopted mass production techniques in 1905 and Taylorism in 1913. Then, during the First World War, the company turned out trucks, stretchers, ambulances, shells and even the famous FT17...

06 juil. 2015

Personal Marketing Plan

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Marketing produit

Managing one's career is a difficult task just as managing a product on the market. One's career goes through different stages and evolves with choices and personality. Graduation is a very important step in a student's life, yet it is only where things really begin. In fact, it...

11 Nov. 2014

Pourquoi et comment Carrefour s'étend à l'international tout en renforçant son emprise sur ses premiers marchés ?

Étude de marché - 25 pages - Marketing distribution

Attention : ce document comporte une partie en anglais (partie I), le reste est rédigé en français. Over the past 40 years, the Carrefour group has grown to become one of the world's leading distribution groups. The world's second-largest retailer and the largest in Europe, the group currently...

22 juil. 2015

Motivation et communication, le nouvel enjeu du management de proximité

Mémoire - 54 pages - Management organisation

La motivation en entreprise est un élément indispensable à son bon fonctionnement qui contribue à l'atteinte des résultats et augmente la productivité. De plus, un collaborateur motivé fera davantage preuve de créativité et d'autonomie, des qualités essentielles à la compétitivité et à...

14 Janv. 2014

Amazon : forces, faiblesses et opportunités sur le marché français d'un géant en passe de devenir le plus grand magasin de la planète

Étude de cas - 55 pages - Stratégie

« The most important single thing is to focus obsessively on the customer. Our goal is to be earth's most customer-­centric company. » Jeff Bezos. Avant hier, analyste financier ; hier, entrepreneur trentenaire dans le garage de ses parents ; aujourd'hui, à la tête du premier site de vente en...

28 avril 2008

Négociation et résolution du conflit : analyser une négociation

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Management organisation

Along this report, I will describe a Negotiation case I have really encountered during my first internship, in June 2004, in a Sports Travel Agency. This company, called France-Sport Association is the leader in sport travel organization in France. I was employed in the Rugby Department as Junior...

21 Nov. 2008

Les SSII en Belgique et au Luxembourg

Étude de marché - 17 pages - Marketing international

De 7,9 milliards d'euros en 2002, le marché informatique belge représentait 9,5 milliards d'euros de dépenses en 2005. Plusieurs éditeurs originaires du pays tendent à se développer à l'international par exemple les plus connus Scan Soft, Selligent entre autres. En effet, depuis...

29 févr. 2008

Applying "New JIT" in Toyota

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Management organisation

Japanese cars companies, especially Toyota, have been during the second half of the 20th century some standards in defining the best production principles. In particular, they have carried out a quality management approach of the production through the implementation of The Just In Time (JIT)....