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19 déc. 2022

L'avancée des ratings ESG dans l'industrie automobile et de luxe

Thèse - 26 pages - Finance

Les ratings ESG (Environnementaux, Sociaux et de Gouvernance) sont des critères d'évaluation de l'engagement d'une entreprise selon trois dimensions - dimension environnementale, dimension sociale et sur la dimension de la gouvernance ; ces derniers mesurent le caractère durable et...

28 déc. 2020

Cas pratique de comptabilité - Amortissements et immobilisations

Cas Pratique - 5 pages - Comptabilité

Une immobilisation correspond à l'affectation d'un bien à l'exploitation afin de générer des revenus futurs. Elle s'inscrit à ce titre dans la durée, pour qu'une immobilisation figure au bilan il faut que la personne morale en soit propriétaire. Il existe trois types d'actif immobilisé devant...

24 Sept. 2015

Company project : Le Furet du Nord

Étude de cas - 13 pages - Management organisation

Company project about the book shop "Le Furet du Nord" in nothern France. This document talks about management, marketing and finances in the company.

07 Nov. 2014

E-Commerce report : Aigle's e marketing plan

Étude de cas - 32 pages - Digital & e-marketing

Aigle was created in 1983 by Hutchinson, originally boots manufacturers for farmers and land workers. Since the late nineteenth century, Aigle started manufacturing all types of boots and shoes following the evolution of fabrics technologies. Throughout the last decades, Aigle has been expending...

17 mai 2010

Analyse d'une marque du marché de la grande consommation alimentaire : Kellogg's

Étude de cas - 26 pages - Marketing produit

La découverte des frères Kellogg, qui donnera naissance aux célèbres « corn flakes », s'est produite à Battle Creek, dans l'État du Michigan, aux États-Unis, en 1894. Will Keith Kellogg est alors directeur du Sanatorium familial de Battle Creek, établissement réputé dans le monde...

02 juil. 2010

Marketing strategy - the Chevrolet bicycle

Étude de cas - 16 pages - Marketing produit

Word “Chevrolet”comes from French (colloquially Chevy) and is a brand of automobile, produced by General Motors (GM). It is the top selling GM marquee and the best known brand of GM worldwide, with “Chevrolet” or “Chevy” being at times synonymous with GM.1...

25 Nov. 2014

L'engagement du consommateur envers les marques de distributeurs : un modèle relationnel

Mémoire - 81 pages - Marketing distribution

The distribution is the system which takes in charge all the operations by which a product that has been just made is given to the consumer or to the user. This field integrates three essential functions: a logistic function (delivery, storage), a transactional function (sale), and an...

03 Nov. 2015

The launch of a new concept on the market - A revolutionnary war game

Étude de marché - 28 pages - Marketing produit

This case provides a lot of different tools to understand the implementation of a new product or concept on the market. This case deals a lot with a marketing part, which shows to what extent the launch of a new concept is important. In another part, you will see the launch of a new...

18 juin 2008

The Sarbanes Oxley Act and its consequences

Mémoire - 82 pages - Stratégie

Enron and WorldCom are just few examples of the accounting scandals of the last years, but they are emblematic. Firstly, everyone heard about those two firms and theirs scandals. All Medias specialized or not, talked about it, even books were written. Secondly, we have to note the blindness, or...

30 juil. 2015

The senior tourism in Ireland today: a specific marketing?

Mémoire - 48 pages - Marketing produit

This report will present the criteria which allow the segmentation of the wide population of seniors. This one evolves in its consumption and its practices and represents today a real issue for the actors of voyage. The seniors have very different motivations in comparison with the other...

04 Mars 2008

Business analysis of BIC corporation

Étude de cas - 22 pages - Marketing produit

Every day, BIC sells and manufactures more than 22 million stationery products around the world, 4 million of lighters and 11 million of shavers. It is one of the leaders for stationery products and the number one manufacturer of ballpoint pen. In 2005, BIC reached the incredible amount of one...

27 avril 2008

Analyse financière : Quicksilver Inc. Rapport annuel 2005

Analyse financière - 19 pages - Finance

Analysing financial statements : QUICKSILVER Inc. Annual report 2005 (titre original) The company began its business in 1976 as a California company producing boardshorts for surfers in the United States under a licence agreement with the Quicksilver brand founders in Australia. In the 80's the...

03 juil. 2015

Analysis of the sport's industry and its strategies

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Stratégie

[...] Sponsoring is really important for big events as Olympic Games or rugby world cup. We can underline why some companies sponsor this kind of event? And what can they gain from this? First of all, there is the biggest sport event worldwide coming this summer. So it seems quite relevant to...

15 Sept. 2010

Supply chain Co-ordination : Asymmetric information

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Management organisation

The coordination supply chain concerns two independent partners: a supplier and a retailer. The supplier offers the retailer a single product that can be sold to an eventual consumer. These supply chain contracts can be classified as demand-dependent pricing schemes - revenue sharing, buy-backs,...

19 avril 2010

Analyse stratégique de l'entreprise Cake Masters

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Stratégie

David Kuchen began to work in an investment banking division in a Canadian bank. As he likes challenges and wants to build his own business, he created and ran his business in investment banking. But the company did not have the size that Kuchen wished. So he studied marketing, strategy and...

13 Mars 2008

Professional management skills: Boeing case

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Stratégie

This case is about the civil aerospace industry which have a duopolistic market in the 110 seat-plus, where the two actors are Boeing and Airbus. It is showing us that Boeing was always the leader on each market: 70.7% of the Asian market, 67.2% of the U.S. market, 56.9% of the Latin America...

17 juin 2010

Orange Schweppes Business Strategy

Étude de cas - 32 pages - Stratégie

The French market of non alcoholic refreshing beverages has less been affected by the economic crisis. In 2009, the market generated in France a turnover of 3 billion Euros (an increase by 3.87% in value). This sector is strongly supported by store brands whose sales have increased by 8.59% in...

16 Mars 2010

Création et lancement d'un nouveau purificateur d'air pour bébés - le "Bear Air"

Étude de marché - 13 pages - Marketing produit

Our air purifier specially targets babies. In this goal, it must have specific design to be easily recognizable. Thus, we must find an object that can be in a child bedroom and that is cute. Everybody has already been a teddy bear in his bedroom; this object is a childhood symbol. In consequence,...

19 mai 2010

Motivation et culture de l'étudiant étranger à l'Université de Paisley (Écosse)

Étude de marché - 19 pages - Marketing consommateur

In this report, the subject “student life in Paisley” will be analysed. To find some answers, a topic guide has been created and filled in by a Paisley student sample. Thanks to it, a comparison between Chinese and “European” people has been possible. Two theoretical...

02 Mars 2008

Critically assess Brandon's strategic thinking and the actions he employed in developing Virgin and implications for the future of the company

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Marketing produit

The highly diversified Virgin group has known an impressive progression since its creation in 1970. His founder, Richard Branson has come beyond boundaries of what has been done until now because he has introduced a new way of thinking strategy. As one will see in the first part, Branson...

28 avril 2008

Négociation et résolution du conflit : analyser une négociation

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Management organisation

Along this report, I will describe a Negotiation case I have really encountered during my first internship, in June 2004, in a Sports Travel Agency. This company, called France-Sport Association is the leader in sport travel organization in France. I was employed in the Rugby Department as...

30 avril 2008

La stratégie d'Aircraft

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Stratégie

Business dynamics: the aircraft strategy (titre original) The aircraft game was to understand the inter-relation between the different aspects of a business and the consequences of changing one of these business aspects on the entire model. The system dynamics is described by internal factors...

06 juil. 2015

Marketing case study, The LEGO Company

Étude de cas - 30 pages - Marketing produit

Our consulting firm would like to investigate the LEGO Group with its current market situation, the threats and opportunities to the Group, and indicate the key issues for becoming success. The primary objective of our marketing plan is to help the Group gaining more market shares as well as...

24 Nov. 2008

Management : la stratégie de Google

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Management organisation

Google: what does mean this name? It is a play on the word “googol” invented by Milton SIROTTA. It is about the number which is represented by the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros. The two creators of Google, Larry PAGE and Sergey BRIN, use this term in order to reflect the company's...

21 juil. 2015

Small firms in international marketing: Bringing the franchise Sushi Shop to the UK market

Étude de marché - 8 pages - Marketing produit

Sushi Shop is a French-based sushi restaurant franchise and delivery service that provides its customers with the highest quality of sushi and other fine contemporary Japanese cuisine dishes. Established in 1998, this small firm now has 97 locations in Europe, 1 in New York City, and is...

03 Janv. 2006

Ipod and the renewal of apple

Étude de cas - 23 pages - Stratégie

In 2001, Apple launched its revolutionary product: iPod, a small jewel of technology, which will give as a result a rise to a new market, that of the numerical walkman with hard disk. Forerunner in its field, Apple has always been an innovative firm. Its progress was for a long time...

07 Janv. 2008

United Airlines vs Southwest Airlines

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Management organisation

The airline industry is a particular sector, subject to many changes because of external factors. This report is aimed at analysing the financial results of two big American airlines companies which had very different figures during these last 6 years. On the one hand, there is Southwest Airlines...

03 août 2010

Risks assessment in automobile industry - Renault entry in the US market

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Marketing automobile

The Renault Corporation was founded in 1899 and quickly became famous in motor racing. The Renault factories adopted mass production techniques in 1905 and Taylorism in 1913. Then, during the First World War, the company turned out trucks, stretchers, ambulances, shells and even the famous FT17...

13 juin 2007

British Airways

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Stratégie

BA is one of the world's largest international airlines, providing travellers with a broad network to/from the UK and a global service for premium travellers in cooperation with one world alliance partners. The company expanded rapidly in the 1990s, which led to overcapacity, lower fares and...

06 Sept. 2008

Rapport : création de "la marque Ecosse"

Étude de marché - 11 pages - Marketing tourisme

The tourism market has never been so competitive. Ten top destinations appropriate 70% of international tourists (Pike, 2004). Whether they want to keep or to reach a leading position on the tourism market, destinations will have to fight. Tourism in Scotland is worth 4.5bn total GDP, and...