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Thème économique : Time-to-market


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04 juin 2012

Analyse marketing du produit Bio-Time de Colruyt (Benelux)

Étude de marché - 23 pages - Marketing produit

Le secteur de la grande distribution: - Ensemble des commerces de détail de biens de consommation dans de moyennes et/ou grandes surfaces de vente en libre-service. - Intégration horizontale: Enseigne commune à tous les commerces du groupe pour une image de marque et une communication unifiées....

03 Nov. 2015

The launch of a new concept on the market - A revolutionnary war game

Étude de marché - 28 pages - Marketing produit

This case provides a lot of different tools to understand the implementation of a new product or concept on the market. This case deals a lot with a marketing part, which shows to what extent the launch of a new concept is important. In another part, you will see the launch...

07 juil. 2015

The costume jewellery market

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Marketing produit

This document examines the costume jewellery market. It firstly analyses the demand of accessories, which is linked to those of the luxury accessories. It determines the strategy to follow in order to obtain competitive prices from suppliers. Then, it presents the...

24 avril 2017

Market study - Sales management and negotiation techniques: La Biosthétique

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Management organisation

La Biosthétique was founded by French scientist Marcel Contier in 1947. The company has its roots and the headquarter in Paris, while the research and the production are conducted in Pforzheim. Ever since it was founded, La Biosthétique has been run by the owners. After the death of Contier,...

03 août 2010

Risks assessment in automobile industry - Renault entry in the US market

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Marketing automobile

The Renault Corporation was founded in 1899 and quickly became famous in motor racing. The Renault factories adopted mass production techniques in 1905 and Taylorism in 1913. Then, during the First World War, the company turned out trucks, stretchers, ambulances, shells and even the famous FT17...

01 Nov. 2020

Les stratégies logistiques des entreprises de luxe - Exemple de Louis Vuitton - publié le 11/10/2020

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Logistique

L'organisation logistique des entreprises résulte d'une combinaison de plusieurs facteurs parmi lesquels les caractéristiques des différents produits, l'état des marchés dans lesquels ces entreprises évoluent, de la dimension de ces marchés et même, de la façon qu'est organisée...

10 Mars 2009

Le relationnel B to B dans le secteur bancaire

Thèse - 32 pages - Marketing produit

La satisfaction client est devenue le pilier et la cible prioritaire de nombreuses entreprises. Celles-ci ont investi massivement dans l'amélioration de leurs performances dans les domaines qui contribuent fortement à la satisfaction de leurs clients comme la qualité de leurs produits et de...

18 Janv. 2011

La fidélisation et la mesure de la satisfaction des clients B to B

Mémoire - 60 pages - Marketing consommateur

Dés le début des années 1970, des marketeurs suggéraient déjà que les marques pouvaient être perçues comme interchangeables par le consommateur, contrairement aux espoirs du marketing. Aujourd'hui alors que de nombreux travaux sont venus compléter l'oeuvre de ces précurseurs ; nous ne...

21 juil. 2015

Small firms in international marketing: Bringing the franchise Sushi Shop to the UK market

Étude de marché - 8 pages - Marketing produit

Sushi Shop is a French-based sushi restaurant franchise and delivery service that provides its customers with the highest quality of sushi and other fine contemporary Japanese cuisine dishes. Established in 1998, this small firm now has 97 locations in Europe, 1 in New York City, and is...

06 Nov. 2014

Les e-markets place

Étude de marché - 10 pages - Digital & e-marketing

Dans le cadre du dossier « e.commerce », nous avons choisi de nous intéresser aux places de marché électroniques ou « places. » Elles peuvent se définir comme des plateformes électroniques de commerce. « Elles sont constituées d'outils informatiques et de solutions de...

09 juil. 2015

Baxter, ou la coalition entre deux business model

Étude de cas - 34 pages - Stratégie

Rapport réalisé en Master management des industries pharmaceutiques et des technologies médicales sur l'entreprise Baxter.

11 Sept. 2006

Low fat yogurt Market

Étude de marché - 25 pages - Marketing produit

In recent years, consumer interest in health and nutrition has escalated and increased the demand for healthful food products in the marketplace. Aging baby-boom populations and a trend toward self-care in relation to chronic-disease prevention and management are fuelling this demand. In...

31 déc. 2007

Marketing Plan: 'Caroll' wants to enter the growing 'middle market' in China

Étude de cas - 16 pages - Marketing mode

Through the network, the style's office of Caroll is in charge of getting the tendencies, of creating collections and of making live the spirit Caroll. It is always in the day before, the loan to react quickly and to conceive new products. As the actual fashion is unstable, Caroll...

23 avril 2008

International market : kitesurfing

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Marketing sportif

The product I choose is a kite we use for kitesurfing. Precisely the North Rhino 12 meters square model 2007 (appendix 1). What? The kite North Rhino 2007 12 meters square is a powerful kite we use for kitesurfing between 12 and 25 knots (3 to 6 beaufort). This product is for people who...

27 Nov. 2014

La Poste et la libéralisation du marché postal par l'État

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Management organisation

Le marché de La Poste est actuellement en processus de libéralisation, conformément à la réforme définie par l'Union européenne. La fin du monopole des lettres recommandées électroniques a été décidée le mois dernier et la libéralisation du courrier en France sera totale à partir du 1er...

30 juil. 2015

The senior tourism in Ireland today: a specific marketing?

Mémoire - 48 pages - Marketing produit

This report will present the criteria which allow the segmentation of the wide population of seniors. This one evolves in its consumption and its practices and represents today a real issue for the actors of voyage. The seniors have very different motivations in comparison with the other...

09 mai 2008

How NGOs are developing their management styles and marketing in order to achieve greater efficiency, whilst maintaining their core values?

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Management organisation

“Non-Governmental Organisations have long been regarded as welfare agencies working on the periphery of development. Since the 1980s, NGOs have emerged as a major development force in many developing countries” (Afful, 1992). According to Afful, NGO are no longer in the shadow of...

04 août 2015

Projet de développement d'une boulangerie drive

Étude de marché - 39 pages - Marketing produit

We want to : - Estimate the market size, - Analyse the environment, - Identify the consumers' expectations, - Know if there is a really opportunity to import this concept from USA to France, - (...)

28 Nov. 2001

Steinways: going to China

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Marketing international

Cas marketing en anglais. There are two fundamentals in understanding the origins of the Steinway legacy: technical innovation and marketing. Around 1800 the piano's identity was still in a formative stage, but by the 1850's, the instrument basic structure had been defined. This...

06 juil. 2015

Marketing case study, The LEGO Company

Étude de cas - 30 pages - Marketing produit

Our consulting firm would like to investigate the LEGO Group with its current market situation, the threats and opportunities to the Group, and indicate the key issues for becoming success. The primary objective of our marketing plan is to help the Group gaining more...

18 juin 2008

The Sarbanes Oxley Act and its consequences

Mémoire - 82 pages - Stratégie

Enron and WorldCom are just few examples of the accounting scandals of the last years, but they are emblematic. Firstly, everyone heard about those two firms and theirs scandals. All Medias specialized or not, talked about it, even books were written. Secondly, we have to note the...

04 juin 2008

Marketing stratégique - Management : Debenhams

Étude de cas - 26 pages - Marketing produit

Strategic marketing - Management: Debenhams (titre original) Debenhams opened its first store in 1905, and in 1929 listed its shares on the London Stock Exchange. Nowadays Debenhams is one of the most important department store chains in the United Kingdom. In this depressive economic situation,...

30 avril 2008

La stratégie d'Aircraft

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Stratégie

Business dynamics: the aircraft strategy (titre original) The aircraft game was to understand the inter-relation between the different aspects of a business and the consequences of changing one of these business aspects on the entire model. The system dynamics is described by internal...

07 juil. 2015

The company ING Direct: case study

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Marketing produit

Case study about the society ING Direct, which is a financial company at a global scale. What makes the attractiveness of ING Direct? After a diagnosis of the company, this document explains also how to develop competitiveness and shows a strategy proposal.

29 Janv. 2004

L'analyse stratégique de Vodafone

Étude de cas - 22 pages - Stratégie

Vodafone Group Plc provides a full range of mobile telecommunications services and is the world's largest mobile telecommunications company, in terms of the number of registered customers, with a significant presence in Europe, the United Kingdom, the United States and Asia through the...

08 juil. 2015

Catholicism and Marketing

Étude de cas - 30 pages - Marketing produit

Paper analyzing how does Catholicism market itself, thanks to the United States and Brasil examples, and this through a marketing approach.

06 Sept. 2008

Rapport : création de "la marque Ecosse"

Étude de marché - 11 pages - Marketing tourisme

The tourism market has never been so competitive. Ten top destinations appropriate 70% of international tourists (Pike, 2004). Whether they want to keep or to reach a leading position on the tourism market, destinations will have to fight. Tourism in Scotland is...

15 Sept. 2010

Supply chain Co-ordination : Asymmetric information

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Management organisation

The coordination supply chain concerns two independent partners: a supplier and a retailer. The supplier offers the retailer a single product that can be sold to an eventual consumer. These supply chain contracts can be classified as demand-dependent pricing schemes - revenue sharing,...

19 Janv. 2008

Doing Business in Algeria : Managerial practices and Etiquettes

Étude de cas - 13 pages - Management organisation

Algeria is a developing country with much potential. This paper will cover many aspects of the country. It will discuss environmental factors, market characteristics, cultural characteristics, as well as their negotiation style. The perspective of a manager and how best to conduct...

10 juil. 2015

Business plan pour le développement d'un produit

Business plan - 37 pages - Management organisation

The TipTap is not a revolutionary product but we want to make it a common product for every household. This tap is regulated by an automatic infra-red system as it already exists in public places. We are positioning in an environmental respecting way, a topic which is at the centre of many...